Request for @unipd e-mail account
The University provides eligible personnel with an electronic mailbox, i.e., a reserved space on a mail server for sending/receiving emails, which can be accessed using the assigned user name and password as credentials. Other services provided by the University, such as, for example, consultation of databases via auth-proxy and access via Single Sign-On (SSO) to Uniweb, Eduroam and the Moodle and Esse3 portals, use the same credentials as for email for ease of use: this is, however, an authorisation that is separate from the mere possession of an @unipd.it address. As indicated on the page: http://www.ict.unipd.it/servizi/servizi-utenti-istituzionali/posta-elettronica-dipendenti/indirizzi-unipd two macro-categories of institutional users are identified. The first includes:
- holders of a subordinate contract with the University
- senior scholars
- University senior
- PhD students and postgraduates (enrolled before 01/11/2009)
- contract professors for degree programmes
- external assignments for teaching degree programmes
- research fellows
- University tutors
- trainees
and for those who belong to this group, the email address is released at the start of the relationship with the University, as is access to the services described above. The second includes:
- fellows
- contract lecturers (postgraduate courses)
- interns
- contract holders
- civil service volunteers
- retired lecturers
- professors emeritus
- teaching assistants
- research assistants
- services/offices
and for those who belong to this group, the email address is issued upon request, subject to the consent of the Head of Department, and does NOT enable functions other than sending/receiving emails; therefore, by way of example, it does NOT allow access to the Eduroam Wi-Fi network or to Uniweb, and consultation of the University databases is only possible through the use of the Library's public workstations.
To request an @unipd.it email address, a structured contact person must send an email to dip.fisppa@unipd.it with a detailed request and the following data:
- name and surname of the person for whom the request is made
- tax code of the aforementioned individual
- alternative email address of the data subject to which the necessary communications should be sent
- start and end date of the relationship with the University
- detailed explanation
The requesting subject will be contacted directly and the results of the procedure will be communicated.